Classic BSW
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Classic College for Higher Studies - An institution where excellence prevails
Sunday, April 20, 2014
विएसडव्लुका गतिविधिहरु
गत फागुन २६ र २७ गते समाजिक कार्य विभागले वि.एस.डव्लु. दास्रो वर्षमा अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरुका लागि दुई दिने ‘मनोसामाजिक’ विषयक तालिम सम्पन्न ग¥यो । उक्त तालिमलाई चेनता लोकसमले सहजीकरण गर्नुभएको थियो ।
वि.एस. डब्लु. प्रथम वर्षका विद्यार्थीहरुले होलीको अवसरमा गत चैत्र १ गतेका दिन ‘होली उत्सव’ कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरेका थिए । उक्त कार्यक्रममा ४० जना भन्दा विद्यार्थीहरुले सहभागिता जनाइ एकआपसमा सुखसम्बृद्धिका शुभकामना आदनप्रदान गरेका थिए ।
सामाजिक कार्य अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरु सोनाम लामा, सुवास तामाङ्ग, सञ्जय श्रेष्ठ, सुमित रेग्मी, दिवाकर थापा, सुदिप पौडेल (दोस्रो वर्ष), श्रेया लम्साल, समिना धिताल र सुसिला कार्की (प्रथम वर्ष) ले ‘भ्वाइस अफ चिल्ड्रेन’ संस्थाले आयोजना गरेका ‘बाल यौन दुव्यवहार’ विषयक अन्तरकलेज प्रतियोगतामा सहभागी भइ तृतिय स्थान हासिल गरेका थिए । उक्त प्रतियोगितामा २० वटा कलेजका विद्यार्थीहरुले सहभागिता जनाएका थिए ।
मन्दिरहरुको भूमी भुवनेश्वरीबाट हामीले के सिक्यौँ ?
–सौरभकिरण श्रेष्ठ
विश्वको कुन चाहिँ क्षेत्र होला जहाँ सामाजिक समस्या नहोला ? विभिन्न क्षेत्र, देश र महादेशमा बसोबास गर्ने मानिसहरुले के कसरी आफ्ना समस्याहरु समाधान गरिरहेका छन् ? नेपालमा जे समस्या देखा परेका छन्, त्यो भन्दा भिन्न के कस्ता समस्याहरु अन्त छन् होला ? यी नै प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर खोज्दै समाजिक कार्य (वि.एस.डब्लु, तेस्रो वर्ष) अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरु भारतको विकासान्मूक सहर उडिसा राज्य पुगे ।
२०१४ फरवरी ११ देखि २१ गते सम्म भएको उक्त भ्रमण कार्यक्रममा विद्यार्थीहरुले विभिन्न सामाजिक संस्थाहरु न्यू लाइफ, पिपल्स फोरम, मिसन आसरा र एस.ओ.एस बालग्राम अवलोकन गरे ।
‘आज छोरीका लागि स्कुटर किन्न जाऔँ ।’ पत्नीले भनिन् । ‘हुन्छ ।’ भन्दै म पत्नीसँगै भुवनेश्वर आए । ‘यहाँ सम्म आइपुगियो, नजिकै एकजना साथीको घर छ । एक पल्ट भेट्न जाऔँ न ।’ पत्नीले आग्रह गरिन् । मैले ‘नाइँ’ भन्न सकिनँ । म उनको पछिपछि लागेर यहाँ आइपुगेँ । न्यूलाइफ सेन्टरमा बसेर उपचार गराइरहेका एकजना पुरुषले आफनो जीवनकथा बताए । उनी लागुपदार्थ दुव्र्यसनी थिए । उनको पत्नी तथा घरपरिवार उनको दुव्र्यसनीबाट हैरान भएका रहेछन् । उनलाई लागुपदार्थ दुव्यसनबाट मुक्त गर्नका लागि न्यूलाइफ सेन्टरमा भर्ना गर्न उनका पत्नीले बहाना गरेका रहेछन् ।
त्यस्तै, उपचार गराइरहेका एकजनाले बताए, ‘मलाई लाग्थ्यो, जताततै समस्या नै समस्या छन् त्यसैले म दुव्र्यसनी भएँ तर, केन्द्रमा आए पछि मैले बुझेँ कि म दुव्र्यसनी भएकै कारणले नै त्यहाँ समस्या भएको रहेछ । दृष्टिकोणमा परिवर्तन आएपछि नै जीवनमा परिवर्तन आउँदो रहेछ । वास्तवमा भन्ने हो भने, यस केन्द्रले हामीले हामी आफैँलाई माया गर्न सिकाइरहेको छ ।’
यसरी जब हामी उपचार केन्द्रमा पुग्दा हामीले के अनुभव ग¥यौ भने, यस किसिमका केन्द्रले समस्यामा परेको मानिसहरुको जीवनमा सुधार गर्न सक्छन् । यसका अलाव, शात्विक इन्सटिच्यूट अफ प्रोफेसनल स्टडिस्का एमएसडब्लुका विद्यार्थीहरुले आयोजना गरेको सेमिनारमा पनि सक्रिय सहभागिता जनाए । उक्त सेमिनारमा बालअधिकार, बृद्धाबृद्धाका समस्या, दुव्र्यसनीसम्बन्धी कार्यपत्रहरु प्रस्तत गरिएको थियो ।
सेमिनारबाट पनि हामीले के जानकारी लियौँ भने, नेपालमा जस्तै भुवनेश्वरमा पनि बालअधिकार र बृद्धवृद्धाका अधिकारका लागि धेरै प्रयासहरु भइरहेका रहेछन् । बाल्यअवस्था र बृद्धावस्था भनेको समस्या होइनन्, यो त मानवविकास क्रमका अनिवार्य चरणहरु हुन् । जुन सबैले भोग्नै पर्छ पार गर्नै पर्छ । मान्छे लामो आयु बाँच्न चाहन्छ तर बुढो हुन चाहँदैन, कस्तो विडम्बना ! सबैले आफ्ना छोराछोरीहरुलाई चीरायु होस् भनेर आशिस दिन्छन् तर कोही पनि बृद्धावस्थामा पुगेको कल्पना पनि गर्न रुचाउँदैन । लामो आयु पनि बाँच्ने अनि बुढो पनि नहुने, के यो पनि सम्भव छ ? यी केही विचारउत्तेजक तर शाश्वत प्रश्नहरु हुन् जुन कार्यपत्रले हामीलाई झकझक्यायो । बालबालिका र बृद्धबृद्धाहरु प्रति हाम्रो दृष्ट्रकोण सही हुनुपर्छ भन्ने सन्देश हामीले ग्रहण ग¥यौँ ।
काठमाडौँ जस्तै उडिसाको भुवनेश्वरी पनि मन्दिरै मन्दिरको सहर रहेछ । उडिसा पुगेपछि, चारधाम मध्येको एक धाम जगत्नाथ पुरी, कोनार्क मन्दिर, इश्कन मन्दिर, खण्डगिरी मन्दिर, उदयगिर मन्दिर, राजारानी बगैचा, साइबाबाको मन्दिरहरु छुटाउनै नहुने मन्दिरहरु रहेछन् । आननकानन चिडियाखाना, क्षेत्रिय म्युजिय भ्रमण, आदिवासी म्युजिय र प्लानिटोरियमको अवलोकनले यस भ्रमणलाई अझै रोचक बनायो । त्यसमध्ये पनि भुपरिवेस्थित मुलुकमा जन्मे हुर्केका हामीले पुरी तटमा समुन्द्रको छाल केही बेर खेल्दा पाउँदा छुट्टै आनन्दको अनुभव गर्ने मौका पायौँ । 𧆧
समग्रमा, उक्त भ्रमणबाट हामीले के बुझ्यौँ भने, मानिसहरु चाहे जुनसुकै स्थान र देशमा बसोबास गरोस्, उनीहरुको चाहना र अधिकार समान हुन्छन् । उनीहरु सबै माया, प्रेम र सहयोगको अपेक्षा गर्छन् । कोही पनि समस्यामा बाँच्न चाहँदैदन् । एउटा सुखी र सम्पन्न जीवन बाँच्न चाहन्छन् । र, समस्यामा परेका व्यक्तिहरुको जीवन सम्पन्न बनाउने क्रममा समाजिक कार्यकर्ताको भुमिका अहम् हुन्छ ।
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
India Visit: Participation in International Programs
India Visit:
Participate International Programs
Shrestha (BSW III year)
Women’s Day Program, Hariyana
from Social Work Department, Classic College for Higher Studies had participated
in “International Women’s Day Program” held on March 8, 2013 at Hariyana, India.
Highlighting the empowerment issues of women was the main objective of the program.
Ms. Chandraa Shrestha, Ms. Ashma Tamang, Mr. Dharma Raj Rimal, Mr. Arjun Pandey,
Ms.Anju Dongal and Ms. Shagun Karki had actively participated in the program.
the program the student performed a silent/symbolic drama. Domination of
society against women was the main theme of the drama. The student got opportunity
to meet with Dr. S.N. Subba Rao who is also known as a second Gandhi of India.
The student had learned importance of team work, and situation of women from
the program.
Integrated Youth Camp for Peace, Jaipur
from Social Work Department, Classic College for Higher Studies had participated
“National Integrated Youth Camp for Peace” organized by Gandhi Peace Foundation
at Jaipur, Hingoniya for 12days. The
main objective of the program was to boost brotherhood among youth from
different state. Ms. Chandraa Shrestha, Ms. Ashma Tamang, Mr.Arjun Pandey, Mr.
Dharma Raj Rimal, Mr.Bidhan Niraula and Mr.Mohan Lama had participated in the
The student had performed Nepalese cultural
show and interacted with youths’ from different state of India. They learned
that unity is the unlimited goal of peace and social justice. During the camp
the students had discussion on scarcity of water and hot temperature. Last but
not least, the students also learned the value of time. They also actively participated
in different social service projects like cleaning campaign and road construction.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
producing outstanding (100%) result in the 3rd year T.U
examinations published on 30th October 2013
(13th Kartik,
CCI extends thanks to its
students for maintaining the tradition of Department of Social Work (BASW).
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Sudershan Basnet I am so happy to be a part of Classic College for Higher Studies (CCI) which provides excellent learning platform for all students. |
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Mina Maharjan Today, I am so happy because all of us passed in board examination. It would not have been possible without our teacher’s effort so I want to thank all of my teachers. |
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Prajwol Oli There are many colleges that provide BASW program but CCI is the best and I am proud to be a student of this institution. I would like to thank our batch, HOD, Principle and other teachers for this success. |
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Rekha Basnet I am so happy to be a student of Classic College for Higher Studies which provided me excellent learning with friendly and peaceful environment. |
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Sanjeet Thapa It am proud to be a part of this success, part of Classic College and BASW Department. |
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Subash Basnet Thanks CCI for this moment. I am feeling awesome at this particular time because all of us passed with 100% pass-out result. |
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Subash Pandit It is great ! And it is a moment of proud feeling to be a part of 100% success result. |
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Sujan KC I am glad. The time I spent here in CCI was really good and the moment that we had through these years really means me a lot. |
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Suvanga Pyakurel I am feeling very happy to be graduated and I am fortunate to celebrate this success with my friends. |
Monday, March 19, 2012
Exhibition of 115 Meter Longest Painting by Children
National Initiative for Peace and Child Rights (NIPCR) Nepal initiated the national campaign "Longest Painting in the World on Peace and Child Rights by Children" from the year 2010 and been continuously organizing painting events with children in different parts of Nepal.
In this context, the first exhibition of 115 meter long painting was held in Classic College International, Gausala in March 18, 2012. The exhibition was coordinated by Social Work (BASW) Department.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Cloths for winter
Cloths for children
December 1, 2011
Thank you everyone for helping the children at Gram Sudhar Lower Secondary School, Gokarna by donating clothes. The clothes have reached the school and will be distributed today by the school management. The Department of Social Work would like to thank the BASW students for their collective efforts in reaching the clothes to the school. Humanities (10+2) are also highly appreciated for their great effort in providing the children with copies and pencils.
Looking forward to similar generous support and help in the future, the Department of Social Work would like to thank you all
Looking forward to similar generous support and help in the future, the Department of Social Work would like to thank you all
Small help but huge happiness...
I have always believe on the saying, 'serving hands are more powerful than praying lips' and have desire of serving needy people. This donation program has helped me to fulfill my desire. It’s the first time that I've ever helped needy children. With the excitement of helping children we reached at 'Gram Sudhar School,' but after seeing the children my emotion killed my excitement. I became sad that I could not do more for those sweet children. The thing that really touched my heart was that they were even very much happy with our small help. And since then, I've been praying with god to make me able to serve throughout my life/
I'd like to thanks, Social Work Department and +2 students for their great support for making it possible. And obviously for me, it's not ending its just beginning…..
Sadhana Thapa
12 Humanities, Classic College International
Visit for more picture:!/ClassicCollegeInternational
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Notice for BASW III year Students
Research and Field Work dates
Kartik 26 Sunday: Submission of 1st draft of Literature Review
Kartik 28-29: Submission of Questionnaire and final research proposal
Kartik 30: Proposal defense
Mangsir 1-10: Data collection
Mangsir 11: Data coding workshop/exercise
Mangsir 18: Submission of 1st Draft of research
Mangsir 25: Internal evaluation of field work
Mangsir 26: Internal Research defence
Kartik 26 Sunday: Submission of 1st draft of Literature Review
Kartik 28-29: Submission of Questionnaire and final research proposal
Kartik 30: Proposal defense
Mangsir 1-10: Data collection
Mangsir 11: Data coding workshop/exercise
Mangsir 18: Submission of 1st Draft of research
Mangsir 25: Internal evaluation of field work
Mangsir 26: Internal Research defence
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